  • 价位:适中
    • 便宜 = $10 以下
    • 适中 = $11-30
    • 较贵 = $31-60
    • 很贵 = $61 以上
    口味:1(差) 服务:1(差) 环境:1(差) 性价比:1(差)
    Already mention it's not a birthday cake and also requested messages on the cake. Not only didnt write any texts on the cake but also put a happy birthday sign on the cake . Reach out to the front desk and said we didnt mention it at all and we can just take out the sign ourselves. Can't refund money even if they are out of stock, only give store credit. Use credit to pick up, and almost charge twice....What a customer service.

    已經說了不是生日蛋糕並且希望放上其他的賀語, 結果拿到的當天還是上面裝飾 happy birthday, 跟店裡店員反應但是對方說我們沒有特別說明,還說把那個拿掉就好。第一次沒貨導致蛋糕無法即時抵達,明明不是我們的錯還不給退錢,說只能給store credit. 第二次去拿還差點收了我兩次錢!!
    2019-09-30 15:43 更新 举报不当内容