价位:适中口味:4(很好) 服务:4(很好) 环境:4(很好) 性价比:4(很好)
- 便宜 = $10 以下
- 适中 = $11-30
- 较贵 = $31-60
- 很贵 = $61 以上
一间典型的Jewish餐厅。Kosher是标准主粮,与馕类似,但比它薄很多,中间空的,可以放入填充料,例如Hummus with fried eggplant 和hot mushrooms,个人偏爱前者with fried eggplant很香。Main course 我点的是Lamb Chops (second cut), I would say this is the best Lamb chops I had so far! 烤得松软适度,不失十足弹性,seasoning is also the best! 朋友分别点了 Chicken Shish Kabab 和 Chicken Breast on Charcoal, 都是十足的量,最后他们都打包;我的因为味道太好,全当场进肚了!哦,餐前小点是五,六样picked veges,很特别的腌制和味道;餐间我要了hot tea,头一次看见Cinnamon用于泡茶!Fresh Mint Leaves and Cinnamon together. Mint Leaf 我经常从后院采来泡茶,但Cinnamon是第一次!味道清新爽口!又学会... 更多
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