

  • 消费:
    $ 适中
    • 便宜 = $10 以下
    • 适中 = $11-30
    • 较贵 = $31-60
    • 很贵 = $61 以上
  • 电话:
  • 地址:
    4188 Finch Ave E, Scarborough, ON M1W
  • 营业时间:
    今日 (周五) 11:00 - 02:00 一周营业时间
    • 周一 11:00 - 02:00
    • 周二 11:00 - 02:00
    • 周三 11:00 - 02:00
    • 周四 11:00 - 02:00
    • 周五 11:00 - 02:00
    • 周六 11:00 - 02:00
    • 周日 11:00 - 02:00
好评率: 100%
  • 口味:
  • 服务:
  • 环境:
  • 性价比:
  • 推荐菜


  • 价位:适中
    • 便宜 = $10 以下
    • 适中 = $11-30
    • 较贵 = $31-60
    • 很贵 = $61 以上
    口味:3(好) 服务:3(好) 环境:3(好) 性价比:3(好)
    2016-03-20 10:32 发表 举报不当内容 | 详情 »
  • 价位:适中
    • 便宜 = $10 以下
    • 适中 = $11-30
    • 较贵 = $31-60
    • 很贵 = $61 以上
    口味:4(很好) 服务:4(很好) 环境:4(很好) 性价比:4(很好)
    这个店是家很旧的小餐馆我们点了两种口味的麻辣烫口味的砂锅 汤底有西红柿南瓜的 还有老汤的 都不错 每样是2荤两素两海鲜 挺合算实惠的 值得表扬的是服务小哥服务态度非常好 对每位客人都很亲切友好 也很细心 我们吃着几个烤串和砂锅 还有看着我是歌手 感觉挺舒服的
    2016-02-19 10:38 发表 举报不当内容 | 详情 »
  • 价位:适中
    • 便宜 = $10 以下
    • 适中 = $11-30
    • 较贵 = $31-60
    • 很贵 = $61 以上
    口味:3(好) 服务:4(很好) 环境:4(很好) 性价比:4(很好)
    This place replaced the original 小渔村活鱼海鲜小馆. We went there to try their clay pot casserole. The basic choice allows for one vegetable, one meat and one seafood item. The casserole was of decent portion, larger than we expected. They must have put shrimp paste in the soup as we can easily taste it and detect MSG content. The casserole was otherwise pretty filling. We also ordered fried chicken wings but it didn't taste fresh, a bit sour even. Probably be back to give another chance.
    2016-02-17 15:19 发表 举报不当内容 | 详情 »
  • 价位:适中
    • 便宜 = $10 以下
    • 适中 = $11-30
    • 较贵 = $31-60
    • 很贵 = $61 以上
    口味:5(非常好) 服务:5(非常好) 环境:5(非常好) 性价比:5(非常好)
    We really enjoyed our visit. Everything comes in a clay pot and stays super hot. We had the spicy vermicelli. Spicy (water cooked) fish. Potato and chicken casserole. Intestine casserole.
    Portions were pretty good size. Intestine casserole was tasty and fresh. Restaurant was quiet so we got great service.
    We have gone back again since our first visit.
    2016-02-08 21:45 发表 举报不当内容 | 详情 »
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