价位:适中口味:5(非常好) 服务:5(非常好) 环境:5(非常好) 性价比:5(非常好)
- 便宜 = $10 以下
- 适中 = $11-30
- 较贵 = $31-60
- 很贵 = $61 以上
烤肉,鸡汤,味道都不错,分量足,让我们感动的是他家的服务质量太好了,我在多伦多吃餐馆这么多年,第一次见到这么贴心的服务,服务我们的小哥时刻关住着我们,一会儿走过来问我们,喜不喜欢这个口味,我说不太习惯腌菜,他立马给送多一盘蔬菜沙拉,一会又过来问我们鸡汤够不够,说还要给多一碗,我没接受他再多的鸡汤,但是很暖心,在这里为他们家的服务点赞! -
价位:适中口味:5(非常好) 服务:5(非常好) 环境:5(非常好) 性价比:5(非常好)
- 便宜 = $10 以下
- 适中 = $11-30
- 较贵 = $31-60
- 很贵 = $61 以上
这是一家犹太人的餐馆,95%的客人是犹太人,跟旁边桌子的老太太聊天,她说这里的食物非常好,多伦多星报有介绍这家歺馆,本人和朋友试了牛肝配洋葱,绝对棒。 朋友说baby back rib(排骨)是他试过最好吃的, 价格便宜,份量超大。
老板是中国人,可以要求中文点餐,个人觉得挺方便。 老板娘告诉我们几个月前重新装修了, 保持了五、六十年代的风格,很有味道。
他们家的蒙特利尔熏肉就是蒙特利尔天天排队的那家提供的,超级喜欢。牛肝酱、Flunken(牛排)、Corned beef、Pastrami汉堡都值得推荐。 -
价位:适中口味:5(非常好) 服务:4(很好) 环境:4(很好) 性价比:4(很好)
- 便宜 = $10 以下
- 适中 = $11-30
- 较贵 = $31-60
- 很贵 = $61 以上
Came back to this place after having wonderful experience with the beef tongue sandwiches. This time, we discovered another tasty dish thanks to the owner's advice - chopped liver! It's served cold and intended for spreading onto bread, and tasted just like the much more expensive fois gras pate. We could not get enough! We were also recommended a similar dish named liver and onions, which is on special every Wednesday. We'll definitely be back again and again for beef tongue and chopped li... 更多 -
价位:适中口味:4(很好) 服务:3(好) 环境:4(很好) 性价比:4(很好)
- 便宜 = $10 以下
- 适中 = $11-30
- 较贵 = $31-60
- 很贵 = $61 以上
We went twice and can't get enough of the tongue sandwiches! We also tried their smoked meat and roast beef sandwich. Roast beef is supposed to be one of their more famous items but it tasted terrible. The restaurant itself is filled with old movie posters and pictures. The customers, as mentioned, are older whites who seem to know each other. The owners are Cantonese with the father, mother and son working there. The waitresses are white though. We had a much more attentive waitress on o... 更多 -
价位:适中口味:4(很好) 服务:4(很好) 环境:4(很好) 性价比:4(很好)
- 便宜 = $10 以下
- 适中 = $11-30
- 较贵 = $31-60
- 很贵 = $61 以上
据说everything is home made except fries, NO MSG. 每一份量都很大吃不完, 服务也不错。 Baby back ribs 完全没有肥肉, double smoked,偏干,偏甜,有点老, 这个就看个人喜好了。顾客多是长了年纪的西人, 大概都是长年老主顾。 现东主是华人,毫无顾忌得大声用中文与一些店员, 门客说话, 有点煞风景, 破坏气氛的感觉。
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