

加国无忧网 (51.CA) 成立于2001年7月,是加拿大本地最大和最有影响力的中文旗舰,下设新闻、资讯、地产、工作、黄页、商城、博客、微博、论坛、SNS以及51口碑站,共十一个频道,内容和服务覆盖华人在加拿大生活的各个方面,是加拿大华人最大的网络互助平台。

经过12年来的发展,加国无忧网目前注册用户超过33万,日访问唯一IP近10万,Alexa.com全球排名10000位左右,加拿大网站排名200位左右。 加国无忧网的新闻资讯、博客论坛、生活黄页、房产租售及招工求职等栏目,在加拿大当地华人移民、留学生中具有极高的认知度和影响力。目前,加国无忧已成为一个集中反映华人动态的网络平台,是了解华人社区民意、动态的重要途径之一。与此同时,加国无忧网的本地化、实用性强的特性,还令其成为加拿大华人必备的生活平台。

  • 2011年6月,加国无忧网将旗下著名栏目《无忧征文》10年来的内容精选出90余篇,结集出版《加国无忧――华人在加拿大的故事》一书。该书以网友亲身经历,从多角度反映了加拿大华人的真实景况。该书既是一个了解加拿大华人生活的窗口,也是华人适应加拿大移民生活的指南。
  • 2011年7月,加国无忧网推出《51周报》,全彩48版,每周认证发行15000余份,是多伦多乃至整个加拿大地区发行量最高的华文免费周报之一,以其高质量且多彩的内容吸引了众多华人读者。
  • 2013年6月22日,加国无忧隆重推出51口碑频道。51口碑站致力于整合多伦多地区美食、娱乐信息资源,通过第三方评论模式,为广大网友提供消费体验的沟通和聚合平台,力求信息来源于大众,服务于大众。

About Us

Founded in 2001,51.ca Media Group is a growing portfolio of media businesses, centered in www.51.ca, which is Canada’s largest and most-visited Chinese website and leading media among Chinese immigrants in Canada. It has over 330,000 registerd members, and the unique IP address visits the site is over 100.000 daily.

The website is divided into 10 sections, which are News, Info, House Market, Jobs, Yellowpage, Online Shopping (Flee Market), Blog, Microblogging, Forum, SNS system (Social Networking Services), and User Reviews and Recommendations.

Through the 12-years developing, the website has become the largest and the most influential online interaction platform in the Chinese community of Canada. Its services and information reaches every area of living in this country, and provides overall guidelines for Chinese immigrants.

At the meantime, 51.ca has become a showcase toward the Canadian mainstream about the Chinese community, and its dynamic and public opinions. In June 2011, 51.ca collected its best solicited articles in last 10 year, and compiled them into a book “Life without any worries in Canada”. Based on the real experience, the stories in the book gave readers an overall view about the lives of Chinese new immigrants in Canada.

In July 2011, 51.ca Media Group introduced her new program, 51 Weekly to the public. The weekly has a circulation of over 15,000, and is one of the largest free weekly in Canadian Chinese community, which is read in print and online (weekly.51.ca.).

On June 22nd, 51.ca Media Group introduced another new program, User Reviews and Recommendations (KB) to the public. It capitalizes on user-contributed reviews and recommendations Restaurants, Shopping, Nightlife, Entertainment, Services and so on. It creates an interacted information platform to the customers, so that they could share their favorite places, spotlighting best-kept secrets, and sometime even bad experience.